Sunday, April 25, 2010

So I figured I would start a wish list of things to build. in no particular order here is what is in the plans to be built.
  • Solar oven in a chest
  • mastermyr drinks cooler
  • help Yukio with slat beds
  • help Yukio with japanese house
  • build "cheap" glastonbury chairs for the front porch
  • build bench found in swedish church

Saturday, April 24, 2010

ok so this entry doesn't have much to do with buildingperiod furniture but it deals with a couple improvements to the shop.
  1. I put up a couple more lights to brighten the place up
  2. built a wood storage rack to store my wood and keep it up off the floor

Now I have to go through the garage and the basement and get the wood loaded and sorted....

here we go.....

So I have decided to venture out into this world of blogging. I think I will start this out as a trial on all the woodworking stuff I am doing. I was following the podcasts of Marc and Matt on "woodtalkonline" and have watched numerous posdcasts by both of these gentlemen as well. so here goes:

The premise of doing this blog is to try to document some of the things I will make that have to deal with "Period" stuff. I am a reenactor and enjoy things particular to Norse life and culture. I have made a bed that my wonderful wife and I use not only as our every day bed, but it knocks down and we use it as our camp bed as well. I have made the frame for my A-frame tent, complete with carvings on the uprights. I have made, cups, picture frames, chests, chairs, fibre arts tools for combing, spinning, and weaving wool.

So here will be the further adventures into my period woodworking.....